October 09, 2007

Angelina and Pam Anderson

Yesterday while standing in the checkout line at the grocery store I was looking at the magazines. On the cover of one of them there was a headline about Angelina Jolie possibly being pregnant because she gained 10pounds. What the heck? First off they made it this huge deal because she gained 10 pounds and, apparently, because she put on a few pounds that means she might be pregnant? What has happened to this world?

People wonder why so many teenaged girls are so obsessed with their weight. Well because magazines are making a big deal because some one gained 10 pounds. Duh!

Pamela Anderson got married again. It was a quickie Vegas wedding this time. She married the guy who made the infamous sex tape with Paris Hilton. Personally, I'm glad she's not married to Kid Rock anymore because I'm secretly hoping he's saving himself for me.

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